Monday, March 8, 2010

Things I Learned Today At Work

- Dogs can take Prozac just like humans...As well as an array of other psychotropic drugs. Obviously doggy depression is a more rampant problem than i originally thought.

-Apparently it's totally normal to start dating somebody, move in two days later and within a month be engaged. TOTALLY normal. And not at all an absurd idea.

-Old people are not at all ashamed to pull down their pants and show me their butt. Sadly, this is true of almost every single one I met today.

I hope you learned something new :)


Abe said...

#2... totally ok... but I left out the moving part with Sierra and I.

Rebecca said...

ha, abe.
maybe i left out the important detail of moving out of one fiance's house and straight into the future fiance's house.

i'm pretty sure that would differ from yours and sierra's story :)