Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Maybe My Grandkids Will Think I'm Cool

Kris Allen is in the top 3 of American Idol.
That's like, a big deal, right?
One day i can proclaim proudly to my grandkids that I knew KA back before he made it big on Idol.  And then they will just blink and have no reply because by then America will have tired of the judges attempts to control this country's votes and Idol will just be a thing of the distant past.

A side note/plea to any of my friends that are considering American Idol auditions in the future.  Please don't.  While i can support you in your wild success, the road there is just to emotionally taxing for the likes of me.  And America (and by America i mean the judges who have lost any credibility they had left with me this year) is just too unpredictable.  I can hardly handle it.

Between my euphoric mood at the fact that Kris is reppin' Conway in the best way possible and the 25 mg pill of diphenhydramine i took about an hour ago in the form of Tylenol Pm (because i a) have a headache from the pits get the idea...and b)have insomnia...hence, tylenol pm...makes sense, right? right.) i am feeling pretty good right now.

Also, i realize that i have now used the word "reppin' " twice in the past week.  Let me reassure you that this word is not usually such a big part of my vocabulary.  I'm just "frontin'".

Wow. I think it's time for me to stop fighting it and finally succumb to sleep.  I have a feeling i may regret this post tomorrow when i'm not flying high from over the counter medication.
And i just realized...i only took half the it's only 12.5 mg of the good stuff.  My tolerance level for medication (and caffeine) is embarrassingly low.

***by the way...for a great post about Kris visit Erin's blog.  It shows great insight into who we are proudly supporting. (click on erin's name.  I'm not sure why my links aren't showing up colored...but i promise it's there.)

1 comment:

callie alise said...

hey greta... in case you are feeling insecure about this post today... let me assure you that 'reppin' and 'frontin' are completely credible words.. in fact.. you should probably permanently add those words to your vocabulary.... it will keep you sharp with your freestyle rapping skillz as well as insure a better-than-decent cool-factor that will last forever. and also... your grandkids will most certainly find you cool... but not because you know kris allen... but instead, because you will be that crazy old lady with all the latest celebrity news who consistently plays outside during thurnderstorms :)