Friday, April 24, 2009

The Beauty of Life

Right now i'm re-reading one of my favorite books.  In this book the main character is struggling with the variety of emotions that we as humans are able to have.  She learns that perhaps without having such a severe depth to fall to, that the height to which we are able to rise would possibly not be as glorious.  And she is baffled by the fact that two extremes can not only exist within just one person, but also a within solitary moment.

That is how i feel this week.  

I love Arkansas summers so much and the weeks leading up to them is quite possibly one of my favorite times of the year.  Something about this time of year just whispers hope into my very being. But it also reminds me of last summer when i thought i would be somewhere so different this summer.  

This morning i had an incredible time with God.  But as soon as i walked away from my time with Him i tripped over some of the same old sin patterns that i have dealt with for a while and defeat was my anthem for the next two hours until again, He rescued me.  

This weekend more than likely i will be at the hospital with part of my family as i become an aunt for the first time.  Not two blocks away the other part of my family will be sitting in my cousin's hospital room pleading for God to give him his life back.  

God is sovereign.  I know this.  I love the way that he has created the world to run such a specific way. And truthfully, I love that i don't understand all of His ways.  It gives me comfort to know that i don't have to understand it all...that someone much more capable is in control.

But if you wouldn't family could use all the prayer in the world right now. It is such a hard time for us right now, but we are trying to continue in faith that my cousin Jeremy will be completely healed.  That the guy with the larger than life personality, who is very much one of my favorite people in the world, will not only be able to walk and talk again but will actually be himself again...filled with life and joy and a contagious excitement about life.


callie alise said...

this is a beautiful post becca.. and i'm praying for jeremy and your family..

Anonymous said...

wow becca, i'm gonna echo callie on that one. Beautiful post. I'm definitely praying.. and i love you :)

Anonymous said...

Without question. We will pray. Congrats on the niece. They're fun.