Saturday, February 28, 2009

Some Words of Wisdom from Ol' Chuck

"Low painful yet how essential. Without it the changing ocean becomes a predictable boring body of water with no mysterious marriage to the moon, lacking its romantic magnetic appeal. Without it there would be no need for Elishas to minister to anguished need for visionaries to fall in dependance on their faces before need for the valiant to be reminded of their source of strength.
Is that that all there is to low tides?

No, there is more, much more.
Most of which can never be described...only discovered."

-Charles Swindol

1 comment:

callie alise said...

"Without it the changing ocean becomes a predictable boring body of water with no mysterious marriage to the moon, lacking its romantic magnetic appeal."

oh my goodness.. these are beautiful words.. i love the part about the mysterious marriage to the moon :)

what a beautiful way to describe the necessity of trials.. thanks for posting this